Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Exhibition Sections:
- Catch:
- commercial shipbuilding
- equipment of vessels: navigation, deck, fishing, electronic equipment
- fishing gear
- protective and rescue equipment, overalls
- Aquaculture:
- equipment and technologies for the construction and equipping of fish farms
- water control and purification systems
- feed and biological products
- planting material
- Processing:
- primary fish processing equipment
- equipment for the processing of caviar and seafood
- equipment for packaging: vacuum, heat shrink, tin, plastic; corrugated and glass containers, labels
- weight control equipment
- equipment for processing fish waste, fish meal plants
- design and construction of fish factories. Equipment, service, repair
- equipment for the production of fish products with high added value
- Accompanying services:
- refrigeration equipment
- transportation equipment
- washing equipment
- warehouse and industrial automation
- insurance and financial services