Venue: Sport Palace
Exhibition Sections:
- Metal structures
- Prefabricated modular structures, sandwich panels
- Building materials and structures:
- concrete, reinforced concrete products, brick, cement, plaster, building mixes
- Front systems:
- translucent, ventilated, suspended, plaster
- Front materials:
- decorative stone, brick, composite panels
- Facing materials:
- marble, granite, dolomite, ceramogranite, ceramic tile, mosaics
- Finishing materials:
- wall, ceiling, floor
- Windows, doors
- Glass, translucent structures
- Roofing materials, drainback systems
- Hydro, heat, sound insulating materials
- Varnishes and paints
- Artistic forging
- Natural wood products
- Electrotechnical products
- Systems of heating and venting
- Sewerage systems and sanitary ware
- Fire fighting systems
- Tools
- Renovation, protection, reinforcement of building structures, building restoration
- Landscape architecture, premises design