Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"
Exhibition Sections:
- Industrial pipeline armature:
- armature for energetics
- criogenic armature
- armature for oil-and-gas complex
- armature for chemically agressive mediums
- armature for water supply and sewerage
- armature for construction
- armature for metallugy
- shipping armature
- armature for paper and pulp industry
- fittings; drives for armature; presserizing and plotting materials and elements
- Sanitary technical armature:
- armature for housing and communal systems
- armature for bathrooms and other premises
- armature of water supply and sewerage systems
- armature of heat supply and air conditioning
- armature for gas supply systems
- armature for laboratory and medical devices
- armature for agriculture
- sanitary and technical fittings
- Construction armature:
- armature for buildings water supply systems
- armature and regulators for heat supply, air conditioning and ventilation
- armature for gas
- armature for electric power complex
- fire fighting armature and fittings
- armature for tanks and reservoirs