Venue: Krasnodar, Zipovskaya st., 5, "Krasnodar" exhibition centre.
Exhibition Sections:
- "Equipment". Grain acceptance and transporting mechanization facilities. Elevator and grainary equipment. Mini-elevators and granaries. Grain prepairing to processing equipment. Flour-grinding and groat producing equipment, small productivity equipment. Soy and mais processing equipment. Yeast producing equipment. Dough-prepairing, dough-cutting equipment. Оборудование для производства мучных кондитерских изделий. Macaroni and groat producing industry equipment. Ventilating and refrigerating equipment. Additional baking equipment. Special baking equipment for confectionery shops, cafes, public catering. Bakery and confectionery production trading equipment.
- "Raw materials and ingredients". Grain of various kinds. Raw materials for bakery. Bakery and confectionery ingredients and additives. Raw materials for large-scale production.
- "Protection means". Grain protection. Fire security systems. Washing and disinfecting chemicals for for equipment and production facilities.
- "Packing, transporting, storing". Package for storing and transporting. Packing and labelling equipment and materials in flour-grinding, bakery and confectionery industry. Transporting and handling equipment.
- "Quality control means and methodics". Raw materials and production quality control, laboratory and control instrumentation, laboratory furniture. Laboratory stuff.
- "Uniform". Working clothes for bakery and confectionery branch workers.
- "Leasing".