Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Goals:
- Formation of business platform for sharing experiences between professionals of beauty industry
- Demonstration of current trends in development of hairdressing, nail design, cosmetology
- Establishing mutually advantageous contacts with producers and supplier of materials, equipment, technologies in the field of personal ans other services
Exhibition Sections:
- Hairdressing and cosmetological services
- Professional and decorative cosmetics, personal hygiene products
- Professional equipment, furniture and accessories for beauty salons, health centers, fitness centers, hairdressing salons
- Tattoos and piercing - equipment and technologies
- Perfumery and aromatherapy
- Nail care products and instruments
- Computer programs and new technologies for beauty salons
- Methods and means for body shaping
- Materials and accessories
- Bijouterie
- Body massage apparatuses, sun booths, exercisers
- Fitness studios
- Specialized publications and mass media