VolgaBuild. Âàø êîòòåäæ-2025
CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Bread - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

19th International Specialized Exhibition

Date: 03.06.2014 - 05.06.2014 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Firm "Troyan"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: International Exhibition Center

Exhibition Goals:

  1. To facilitate to the development of bakery and confectionery business in Ukraine
  2. To gather all representatives of bakery and confectionery business not only of our country but foreign countries as well within the framework of exhibition
  3. To present full objective picture of Ukrainian bakery and confectionery market, to present new tendencies and technologies in the sphere of production and realization of bakery and confectionery goods, exchange by information and concluding of contracts among producers and retail and wholesale companies

Exhibition Sections:

  • Bakery and confectionary equipment
  • Technologies
  • Raw materials and ingredients
  • Flour, grain, cereals, feed-stuff
  • Bakery, macaroni and confectionery products
  • Packing
  • Work clothes
  • Specialized literature
  • Bakery confectionery products: cakes, pastries, biscuits, wafers, kuchens, rolled cakes
  • Candied confectionery products: chocolate, candies, caramel, butter scotch, dragee, halva, marmalade, zefir, chewing-gum
  • Oriental sweets
  • Snack, nuts, dried fruits
  • Raw materials
  • Food additives, ingredients
  • Equipment
  • Packaging

Salon "Tea-room":

  • Equipment for tea-rooms
  • Coffee, tea, accessories, coffee-machines, equipment for espresso, souvenirs
  • Soft ice cream: equipment, production technologies, finished products
  • Furniture, bar and confectionery accessories
  • Window dressing
  • Textile, tableware, items for table setting

Additional information:
