Place of realization: Voronezh, Children Square, 1, Teatralnaya str., 17
Organizer: Exhibition firm "Veta"
Exhibition Sections:
- City-planning and architecture
- Landscape architecture. The small forms
- Road construction, machine
- Building designs
- Assembling constructions
- House-municipal services, engineering
- Heat and energysaving
- Modular boiler-houses
- Purification structures
- Ecology and city design
- Monitoring of the environment
- Equipment for diagnostics and control
- Recycling of waiste
- Ecologically pure production
- Construction and reconstruction, external and internal furnishing of the houses inhabited, office buildings, industrial objects
- Effective materials and technologies
- Equipment and tools
- Ventilation and conditioning
- Communications
- Lifts
- Designing, construction, repair and arrangement of private houses, summer residences, cottages, garages
- Materials: roofing, wall, floor, ceiling, hydro, sound-proof.
- Varnish production
- Building chemistry
- Joinery products
- Design ÏÂÕ
- Heating
- Sanitary Engineering
- Illumination
- Electrotechnical production
- Protecting designs
- Hardware products
- Signal systems, security devices. Overalls
- Specialized issues
- Equipment and production for comfortable and safe existance
- Furniture and accessories for kitchens and bathrooms
Purposes and tasks:
- Demonstration and progress on the regional market of effective technologies, materials, equipment, tools, machines and engineering for a house-municipal services, construction, reconstruction and furnish inhabited, industrial and office buildings, construction of roads, accomplishment of territories, diagnostics and protection of an environment, increase of ecology level in a life and on manufacture, recycling of waiste, release of ecologically pure production.