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Small- and Middle-Scale Business. Business Parnership - 2008

Attention! The event is over.

Annual Exhibition of Small- and Middle-Scale Business Enterprises

Date: 14.05.2008 - 16.05.2008 

City: Yaroslavl - information about city

Holder: Yaroslavl Center of Scientific and Technical Information (CSTI)

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Venue: Yaroslavl Center of Scientific and Technical Information

Exhibition aims:

  1. Demonstration of the best goods, newest technologies, innovative projects and services for small- and middle-scale business enterprises
  2. Experience exchange on enterpreneur activity in different regions of Russia
  3. Assistance in cooperational and interregional contacts establishing and promotion of enterprises products at the national and international markets
  4. Providing practical assistance to enterpreneurs in their products sale, trading area extension, drawing attention of national and international partners to presented products

Additional information:
