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CATEC - 2014

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Caspian International Aqua Technologies Exhibition and Forum

Date: 10.04.2014 - 12.04.2014 

City: Baku - information about city

Holder: Iteca Caspian

Topic: Natural Resources


Venue: Baku Expo Exhibition and Convention Center

Exhibition Goals:

  1. To organize an annual exhibition and forum dedicated to the field of water supply and production in Baku
  2. To promote new technologies of the world's leading companies to country's large-scale projects
  3. To accelerate the integration of worldwide trends into the Azerbaijan water management sector
  4. To inform the local and international community on the progress and future mega-projects in this sector
  5. To establish business relationships in the field of water supply, which includes opening the water supply equipment enterprises based on modern technologies, as well as attraction of capital investments to this sector
  6. To promote the exhibition and forum as a meeting place, where local and foreign specialists will be able exchange scientific knowledge, share experiences and technologies
  7. Further increase of the level of experts' knowledge during academic seminars and presentations
  8. To encourage greater request for the latest technologies at the consumer market, particularly from a variety of large enterprises by means of demonstration of these technologies

Exhibition Sections:

  • Water supply systems
  • Wastewater and rain water purification
  • Drinking water preparation and wastewaters treatment
  • Pipeline engineering
  • Technologies for measurement, control and analysis of water supply systems
  • Pumps, pumping systems, control equipment technologies
  • Protection of drinking water sources
  • Construction equipment, drilling equipment, equipment for water supply and waste waters
  • Information and communication technologies
  • Flood protection
  • Desalination technologies
  • Security of water supply systems
  • Trenchless technologies for engineering services (microtunneling)

Additional information:
