ЗооБизЭкспо - 2025 Урал
IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025

CEM - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

17th International Exhibition Domestic Appliances & Electronics "CEM"

Date: 11.04.2007 - 14.04.2007 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: ITE Group

Topics: Consumer Goods, Information Technologies and Communications


Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Big and Small Home Appliances
  • Refrigerators, freezers, built-in appliances, electrical and microwave ovens, cooker hoods, toasters, electrical and gas ranges, heaters, electoheating appliance, air cleaners , fans, air conditioners, cooker hoods, food processors and kitchen utensils, washers and dryers, heaters, irons, ironing units, vacuum cleaners & house cleaning products, water filters for consumer use, garbage disposals, spare parts for home appliances, etc.
  • Audio and Video Products
  • TVs, VCRs, camcorders, accessories, video games, subwoofers, stereo systems, tuners, receivers, CD and MD, cassette players, CD transport, D/A converters, vinyl disk turntables, sound heads, tonearms
  • Hi-Fi, Hi-End and DVD
  • Subwoofers, central channel АС, stereo systems, loudspeakers, pre/power amps, DVD players, receivers, TVs, home theaters, etc.
  • Car Stereo Electronics
  • Home telephony and mobile communications

"СEM 2007" Exhibition is a highly professional event in the field of home appliances and consumer electronics. The specialized exhibition of such level held on a regular basis assists both consumers to orientate themselves in the variety of proposals, and manufacturers to present their products and services to a great number of visitors.

"СEM 2007" has firmly taken the position of the leading forum for constructive business communication of top managers of home appliances and consumer electronics industry. No other event in Russia is so specialized and so popular among business managers at the same time.

"СEM 2007" is your chance to meet face to face potential clients, and to let them see, hear and feel what our trade mark means. Today, when consumer electronics industry in Russia opens its doors to foreign investors, it is the time to establish new important contacts and to win tenders for new beneficial orders. At the exhibition one can find new suppliers, get acquainted with international technical achievements, establish new contacts, get professional answers regarding the activities in this field of industry, and benefit much more.

Participation in "CEM 2007" is the most efficient way to stimulate the market and increase sales of your goods and services.


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