Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Energetics and energy saving:
- production, transmission and distribution of electric energy
- energy resources metering and control instruments
- boiler equipment, burners
- dispatching control of heat supply objects
- heat-exchange equipment
- independent systems of heat and energy saving
- gas-supply systems, gas equipment and appliances
- energy transmission and distribution means
- pumps, compressors, hydraulic equipment
- hydroenergetics
- nuclear power engineering
- alternative energetics (windenergrtics, helioenergrtics)
- water treating for electric power installation
- thermal insulating materials
- pipeline system of heat and water supply
- software in energetics
- Electrical products:
- cabling and wiring products
- converters, transformers, transformer substation
- power electronics, automation systems
- electric equipment for production and transmission of energy
- electric insulating materials
- lighting facilities, outsite lighting
- wiring equipment and tools
- electric welding equipment
- equipment for electric power line
- electric motors, electric generators, electric drivers
- high voltage and low voltage equipment and facilities
- testing equipment and automation
- household electronics
- electrosafety
- special clothes and individual protective gears
- innovations and developments in energetics and electrotechnics