Venue: Sverdlovsky avenue, 51, The Palace of Sports "The Youth", Chelyabinsk
The main exhibition event - "Ural festival of culinary art":
- Brewer competition
- Cnfectioner competition
- Trade service workers competition (waiters and barmen)
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment for catering organizations (refrigerated, heat and technological equipment; catering organizations lighting; catering organizations musical mounting; filtering sysemsì for air and water; conditioning and heating; advertizing - shopwindows, shop fronts, shields etc decoration)
- Inventory for catering organizations (crockery for all types of catering organizations; disposable dishes for fast-food catering organizations; settings; crockery)
- Foodstuff for catering organizations (delicatessen and canned goods; beverages - strong, soft, beer; other kinds of new goods)
- Uniform for catering organizations staff (uniform for catering organizations producing staff - cooks, confectioner, chefs, works manager etc.; uniform for maintenance staff - waiter, barmen, head waiters, cloakroom attendant etc.; uniform for other stuff - guards, forwarders, shiftmen etc.)
- Education in catering field (vocalional schools and Lycea; colleges and technical schools; universities and indtituts; other educational institutions - Chelyabinsk barmen association, Chelyabinsk district catering association "South-Ural culinary unit")
- Safety in catering service (protection of consumers; guard systems and security services in catering organizations)
- Special transport for catering organizations
- Summer cafe, bars