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EcoTech - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

The 3rd Central Asian International exhibiton "EcoTechnologies and Services for Industrial and Municipal Sectors"

Date: 20.09.2006 - 22.09.2006 

City: Almaty - information about city

Holder: ITECA

Topics: Natural Resources, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Almaty, Kazakhstan, Exhibition Centre "Atakent"

Supported by:
Ministry of Environment Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Almaty city Administration

EcoTech 2006 will be held together with the following Exhibitions:
MiningWorld Central Asia ("Mining, Exploration and Mining Equipment"), Kazcomak ("Development of quarries and related operations, production of asphalt, handling machinery and equipment, the construction of industrial projects, road building and housing and public utilities construction, and road patching and renovation"). This fact undoubtedly will increase the quality and nimber of EcoTech 2006 Exhibition target visitors!

EcoTech is the main specialised exhibition in the Central Asia Region to attract international and major local companies engaged in collection, transportation and utilisation of waste, treatment of normal and special industrial waste, recycling, water treatment, gas treatment and soil purification.

To bring suppliers of equipment and machinery, products and services from all areas of the world in direct contact with city's administrations, companies and plants working in mining, oil and gas, chemical, food, transport and other industries in Central Asian Republics.

Exhibition Sections:

Waste: Industrial (oil and gas, metallurgy, food, chemical and other industries), Municipal, Man-caused, Transport complex, Fuel and energy complex, Electronic and è electric scrap, Medical institutions, Radioactive, Biological, agricultural, organic, Construction and demolition, etc.

  • Collection, transportation, storage and disposal
  • Waste discharge, disposal, neutralisation, mitigation, deactivation, decontamination, demercurisation technologies
  • Selective collection, secondary resources, recycling
  • Waste to gains, use of recycled secondary materials
  • Waste minimisation, zero-discharge technologies
  • Landfill reclamation
  • Regeneration of waste oils
  • Equipment, substances and materials for environment protection

Water: Wastewater, Silt sediments, Sludge, Water areas and bodies

  • Technologies and equipment for treatment, discharge, decontamination, and disposal
  • Pumps, compressors for treatment facilities
  • Utilities, etc

Air: Emissions from industrial enterprises, power plants, motor vehicles, etc

  • Waste gas treatment and disposal
  • Degassing
  • Exhaust devices and pipes for waste gas extraction
  • Filters
  • Gasoline additives, catalytic agents, neutralisers
  • Air contamination control devices

Land: Contaminated area rehabilitation, Improvements in towns

  • Planting of trees
  • Winter and summer cleaning

Power: Renewable power sources, resource saving; Waste to power, biogas

Environmental services: Environment protection design, regulation, planning, consulting; Environmental management; Environmental audit; Environment protection monitoring; Environmental engineering; Development of software for environment protection

Working clothes

Occupational safety and health


Additional information:
