Здравоохранение Дагестана - 2025

Russian Educational Forum - 2012

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Russian Educational Forum - All Sides of the Russian Educational System

Date: 27.03.2012 - 29.03.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Society


Venue: Museum and Educational Center "Sokolniki"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Demonstration of the impact of the Priority National Project "Education" in all areas and levels of the national education system
  2. Promotion of the education system
  3. Presentation of innovative educational technologies, modern methods of pedagogy and management models for education institutions

Exhibition Sections:

  • Modern Education. Innovative educational institutions at all levels of general, vocational, further education and retraining
  • Regions of Russia. Achievements of the regional education systems in the Russian regions of the Priority National Project "Education"
  • Information technology in education. Information and software technology, educational online projects, distance e ducation
  • Textbooks. Educational, cognitive and developing literature
  • All for education. Complex equipment of educational institutions
  • Education and health of students. Health programs in pedagogy, children's and youth sports schools, health centers, travel agencies
  • School bus. Special vehicles for educational institutions
  • School meals. Organization and control over meals in educational institutions. Complex equipment of school food production facilities and canteens. Certification of food products for educational institutions
  • Safety at school. Organization and security of students in educational institutions

Additional information:
