Venue: Industrial Textile Complex "TextileProfi-Ivanovo"
Exhibition Goals:
- Demonstration of a wide range of educational services in the Ivanovo region
- Familiarization with the infrastructure of educational institutions, admission and educational rules, information about training courses
- Informing about the possibilities to get vocational training, consultations on employment issues and career opportunities after graduation
- Promotion of science and professional education role for the Ivanovo region, showing the results of researches and developments
- Familiarization with the latest education achievements: with technical teaching aids, educational literature, educational computer systems and programs
Exhibition Sections:
- Priority orientations of professional education system development of the Ivanovo Region
- Educational institutions:
- higher education institutions
- specialized secondary schools
- development centers
- refresher courses
- Job center
- Methodological support of study process
- Distance and e-learning
- Research and innovative activities of students