Exhibition Sections:
- Metering, control, management and economy of thermal and electrical energy consumption devices, decrease of electric power losses in electric systems
- Automation of technical processes, means and systems of power resources consumtion metering
- Energy saving technologies in power-consuming industries
- Energy saving house building (building of alternative materials)
- Resource saving equipment for effective utilization of fuel, thermal and electrical energy in heating and water supply systems
- Metering and registration of fuel consumption by motor transport
- Diagnostics devices of pipelines condition. Anti-corrosion protection of pipelines
- Heat and water proof materials
- Ecology, goods and services, modern technologies
- Resource saving systems for nature protection. Systems of recycling water supply. Monitoring systems of polluting
- Heating engineering equipment, boilers, burners, service equipment, heat exchange devices
- Pumps, pump equipment, compressors
- Independent power supplies, equipment. Small power industry
- Alternative energetics, renewable sources of energy