Exhibition Sections:
- Energy efficiency and saving during transportation of energy resources, and heat and electric power generation
- Energy-saving technologies in engineering systems of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures
- Energy efficient equipment, devices, materials and products
- Resource-management in construction works
- Machines and mechanisms
- Ensuring safety during transportation, storage and use of energy resources
- Fuel and energy resources saving and consumption recording
- Automated process control systems in industry, power engineering sector and in fuel and energy resources consumption
- Renewable energy sources (RES):
- solar power
- wind power
- geothermal energy
- bioenergy
- other renewables (tidal and wave power plants, temperature gradient)
- Alternative sources of energy:
- cogeneration and trigeneration power plants
- diesel, gas piston, gasoline power plants
- hydrogen power generation and fuel cells
- power plants using low-potential heat of the environment (water, soil, air)
- power generation through waste heat recovery in industry and waste waters
- power plants running on local fuels, industrial and agricultural wastes
- silicate power generation
- energy and cryogenic systems
- alternative power generation for individual and cottage construction
- current projects of "green" ("smart") buildings
- advanced technologies (controlled thermonuclear fusion; thorium and nuclear energy, space technologies)
- Industrial safety and environment