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Energy Efficiency and Resource Conservation. Volga - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 05.09.2012 - 07.09.2012 

City: Samara - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga" Ltd.

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Expo-Volga"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Promote awareness among all the groups of consumers of energy resources about modern energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies
  2. Contribute to the modernization of the energy complex of the region and the introduction of innovative technologies in energy saving and improving energy efficiency
  3. Present energy-efficient solutions based on pilot projects for their economic assessment and replication in the future
  4. Popularize the energy efficiency policy
  5. Demonstrate energy-saving products and services
  6. Familiarize with the latest developments and trends in energy efficiency
  7. Provide a platform for fruitful exchange of experiences as to energy efficiency between the subjects of the Volga Federal District
  8. Provide a platform to discuss topical issues of energy efficiency for the representatives of housing and utility services, industrial companies, construction companies, agricultural enterprises, oil and gas companies, government agencies
  9. Increase the level of interaction between self-regulatory organizations in the field of energy auditing
  10. Familiarize with the ways of solving issues connected with purchasing modern equipment, technologies and staff training
  11. Increase mass media's interest in covering the topics of energy saving and energy efficiency

The following persons and entities are invited to take part in the exhibition:

  • Representatives of the local, regional and federal executive bodies, non-governmental organizations
  • Heads and experts of the municipal units of Samara Oblast
  • Heads of enterprises and organizations of the Volga Federal District
  • Innovation investment funds
  • Inter-regional marketing centers (IMC)
  • Other interested entities

Exhibition Sections:

  • Energy-saving technologies and technique
  • Equipment and materials for energy saving
  • Energy management. Energy audit
  • Secondary energy resources use
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Research and development in the field of energy saving
  • Energy saving activity information support

Additional information:
