Venue: Volgograd Sports Pаlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- EnergoPromexpo:
- energy and energy saving equipment
- energy efficient technologies in industry
- boiler, heating, and water heating equipment
- compressor and pumping machines
- heating, electric power, water, gas metering devices, automated control system
- cabling and wiring products
- OilGasChemistry:
- machines and equipment for production, storage, and transporting of gas, oil, and oil products
- building of oil, gas, and chemical industry objects
- products of petrochemical and chemical industries
- equipment for refueling stations
- cleaning and recycling of industrial wastes in oil-and-gas industry
- Metallurgy. Metalworking. Engineering:
- ferrous metallurgy
- non-ferrous metallurgy
- foundry
- metalworking and metal cutting equipment
- new materials and technologies in metalworking
- special, precision, all-purpose machines, automated and semiautomated machines
- machines with numerical program control, automated lines
- retrofitting and repair of machines
- tools
- welding
- welding equipment and materials for welding, cutting, and soldering