Expostone - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

13th International Exhibition

Date: 19.06.2012 - 22.06.2012 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expostroy

Topics: Building and real estate, Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques, Natural Resources


Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Show the state and prospects of this industry in Russia and abroad
  2. Demonstrate natural stone in all its diversity, show the opportunities of wide application of natural stone in urban planning, architecture and art
  3. Promote the development of the industry by demonstrating advanced technologies in stone mining and processing industries, by innovations, modern equipment and materials
  4. Promote the development of cooperative ties between producers, suppliers and customers
  5. To create the conditions for the expansion and strengthening of interregional and international cooperation
  6. Promote the expansion of participating companies' sales markets
  7. Provide an opportunity for business leaders to assess the competitiveness of their own products, compare their equipment and techniques used in their production processes with competitors' products
  8. Create optimal conditions for the exhibitors to be able to implement their commercial interests

Exhibition Sections:

  • Equipment and technologies used in geological exploration of facing, wall and nonmetallic materials from natural stone
  • Technology of geological exploration of facing and wall stone, equipment used in overburden operations, block mining and waste disposal
  • Reservoir engineering of non-metallic deposits (of crushed stone, and sand and gravel mixes), current equipment
  • Drilling and blasting operations at stone-pits where facing and non-metallic materials are excavated, methods and facilities, industrial safety
  • Technology and equipment for non-metallic minerals processing
  • Production of decorative gravel, decorative sand and microcalcite
  • Ecology, environmental protection, revegetation
  • Natural stone in architecture and urban development
  • Technology and equipment for decorative stone treatment
  • Items from facing natural stone (boards, architectural and construction products, paving stones and curb stones)
  • Facing products based on natural stone (agglomerated boards, recycles products)
  • Operating tools for stone treatment (diamond, abrasive, carbide tools)
  • Decoration works with natural stone (technology and facilities)
  • Stone artware (decorative and ornamental, souvenir, small sculptures)
  • Monumental art
  • Ritual stone products
  • Restoration technologies, stone conservation
  • Stone care and preservation products (adhesives, mastics, consolodants, crystallizers, color enhancers, synthetic waxes)
  • Storage and transport logistics
  • Architectural projects with stone (new construction, repair and restoration works, restoration of historical and cultural monuments)
  • Modern quality control over facing materials
  • Sales of facing and non-metallic materials
  • Special literature, trade press, information on electronic media

Additional information:
