ИННОПРОМ. Центральная Азия - 2025

The Future of the Transport and Logistics Industry: Challenges and Development Prospects - 2018

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Conference Publishing House "Kommersant"

Date: 04.12.2018 - 04.12.2018 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: PH "Kommersant"

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Hotel "Swissotel Red Hills"

How to move the right amount of goods to a certain point, the best route for the required time and at the lowest cost? These tasks should be solved by logistics. But while the quality of services provided by the players of the Russian industry, behind the requirements of market realities.

Today, the average speed of cargo movement in Russia is 10-20 km/h, which leads to oversaturation of warehouses and freezing of working capital. Companies lack terminal and warehouse infrastructure in the regions,and investment in their construction is too expensive.

Due to systemic problems with logistics, the Russian economy is losing almost 3% of GDP. The increase in transport costs increases the cost of the final product. The work of the transport and logistics sector is also complicated by an unbalanced system of taxation, and shortcomings in the regulatory framework.

If abroad in the B2B segment, a lot of primary accounting documents have already been transferred to electronic form, and the operators of such invoices successfully exchange them between contractors, in Russia plans to transfer the consignment note to electronic form are only being formed. The introduction of an electronic consignment note at the end of 2018 should improve the work of 70-80% of freight forwarding companies.

Key topics of the conference:

  • How to ensure the technological unity of the transport and warehouse process in modern Russian realities?
  • Is it possible to speed up the transition to common standards of document circulation in the Russian Federation with the use of digital technologies?
  • How to attract investors to the development of regional warehouse infrastructure?
  • How should the regulatory framework be improved in the coming years to meet the needs of transport users?

Additional information:
