Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025

ART Gallery. Kazan - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Painting and National Artistic Trades

Date: 12.02.2014 - 16.02.2014 

City: Kazan - information about city

Holder: Kazan Fair

Topic: Culture. Art. Collectibles. Antiques


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Kazanskaya Yarmarka"

"ART Gallery. Kazan" Exhibition is:

  • An opportunity to organize business ties with experts of this branch in a very short time (for gallery owners, directors of gift shops and salons, representatives of tourist and hotel industry organizations, top-managers of wholesale companies dealing with gifts and souvenirs, directors of ad agencies)
  • Convenient platform for artist's work directly with audience and buyers
  • Easy communication with judges of your art with the help of master classes
  • An important and momentous event in the cultural life of the Republic of Tatarstan, bringing the real aesthetic pleasure to all visitors of the exhibition
  • Comfort space for modern painters, photographers, sculptors, gallery owners, creative teams, masters of arts and crafts and other art community representatives, who present at the exhibition the goods that the most sophisticated fine arts connoisseurs, graphic, sculpture, photography and other creative directions lovers are interested in and delighted at

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Drawing the interests of masses of people to goods of beginning masters and outstanding authors
  2. Trade stimulation of arts and crafts goods and artists' works
  3. Regeneration and popularization of popular art
  4. Introduction of the younger generation to traditional and modern art
  5. Focusing of public and state art agencies' attention on problems of young and promising artists in discovering and becoming

Exhibition Sections:

  • Painting
  • Graphic arts
  • Photography
  • Sculpture
  • Galleries, architectural workshops, museums
  • Icon painting, shamal, Arabic ligature
  • Fresco, mosaics and stained-glass windows
  • Ceramics, art forging, casting, and coinage
  • Woodcarving, birch bark products, vine netting
  • Body Art
  • Various types of handmade products of decorative and applied arts, folk arts
  • Floristics, phyto design, flower arrangement, ikebana
  • Decorations of semi-precious stones, bijouterie, leather and fur art articles
  • National clothes
  • Paints, moulding, art brushes, and other attributes for creative work
  • Art books
  • Gifts and souvenirs

Additional information:
