CleanExpo Урал -2025

Farm. Garden. Vegetable garten. Farmstead - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

The 4th Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Farmer, Veterinary Preparations, Fertilizers, Insecticides, Plant, Seeds, Small-Trees Protection Means

Date: 13.02.2006 - 15.02.2006 

City: Volgograd - information about city

Holder: Tsarician fair

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Exhibition sections:

  • Seeds, young plants
  • Flowers, decorative and house plants
  • Hothouses
  • Fertilizers, insectisides, plants protection means
  • Garden and kitchen -garden inventory
  • Farmer's equipment, technologies and materials
  • Landscape projection
  • Special editions and web-sites

Additional information:
