Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Agricultural mini machines, mechanization means for small agricultural enterprises, farms
- Equipment and technologies for farms
- Transport means
- Electric power plants, gas equipment
- Engines, motors, electric power generators and spare parts
- Seeds, saplings and planting materials
- Plant protection means, toxic chemicals
- Fertilizers, growth stimulants
- Composts and soils
- Watering and irrigation systems
- Hothouse equipment
- Polymers in agroindustrial complex (covering materials)
- Technologies of soil fertility improvement
- Growing technologies
- Lawn and garden stock and tools for agricultural works
- Fighting means against domestic and garden insects and rodents
- Domestic animal care means
- Veterinary preparations and services
- Household plots accomplishment
- Specialized literature