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St.Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2014

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St.Petersburg International Gas Forum

Date: 07.10.2014 - 10.10.2014 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holders: "EF-International", LLC, FarExpo

Topic: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry



"Saint-Petersburg International Gas Forum" is the largest specialized branch event in Russia. The top-priority task of the forum is to secure the status of effective ground for substantial ground between global gas companies and key partners in implementation of the biggest projects: engineering companies, investors, developers of innovational solutions and suppliers of equipment.

The format of "PMGF - 2014" provides a vast exhibition and congress programs. The key topics of the exhibition will include modern trends of gas industry and projects focused on the widening of percent of innovational technologies in the oil and gas sector.

Exposition of the exhibition:

"InGAS Stream - 2014 - Innovations in the Gas Industry"
2nd Specialized Exhibition.

  • Potential developments in exploration, extraction, distribution, and utilization of gas
  • Geology and geophysics of oil and gas
  • Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields
  • Transportation and storage of oil and gas
  • Gathering and processing of oil and gas
  • Refining of oil and gas
  • Innovations in communications and data exchange
  • 3D-modelling of deposit field structure and carbon fiber extraction processes, use of solid modelling tools in the design of new gas facilities
  • Development potential of international investment projects in the global gas industry
  • Development and implementation of SAP, ERP, and cost optimization systems in the gas industry - methodology, tools and automation platforms for business processes
  • Innovative vocational training methodologies
  • Educational software and hardware systems and simulators used to train specialists in the oil and gas industry
  • Natural gas fuel cells
  • Marketing and selling of gas and its derivative products
  • Infrastructure and technical solutions for manufacturing of liquefied and compressed carbureted hydrogen gas

"Gas-engine fuel"
Specialized Exhibition.

  • Design and construction of gas filling stations and NGV-refuelling compressor stations
  • Gas stations and equipment
  • Equipment for fuel stations and gas filling stations
  • Computer software, communication systems and pay for gas stations
  • Mobile gas fillers
  • Gas-cylinder equipment
  • Machinery and equipment for the use of LPG, CNG and LNG as motor fuel
  • Alternative fuels in transport
  • Diagnostic systems and devices for gas automobile equipment
  • Equipment for the maintenance stations, and service centers that re-equip vehicles to run on natural gas fuels

18th International Specialized Exhibition of Gas Industry and Technical Equipment for Gas Supply Facilities.

  • Gasification of residential buildings, industrial, housing and public and agricultural objects, industrial zones and tech parks
  • Independent and reserve gas supply of residential buildings and industrial enterprises
  • Preparation of associated petroleum gas for gas supply to consumers
  • Operation of gas distribution systems
  • Gas metering
  • Diagnosis
  • Safety and ecology of the gas complex

Additional information:
