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St.Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2017

Attention! The event is over.

St.Petersburg International Gas Forum

Date: 03.10.2017 - 06.10.2017 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holders: "EF-International", LLC, FarExpo

Topic: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry



"St.Petersburg International Gas Forum" - a leading platform to discuss current industry issues. Decisions taken by industry leaders in discussions that directly affect the formffation of the global gas market.

Key topics:
- Global trends and public policy in the gas industry;
- Resource base for major gas projects and key aspects of their implementation;
- Evolution of role of liquefied natural gas and its share in the future global energy balance;
- Gas motor fuel as a factor of economic efficiency of transportation;
- Gas chemistry - a catalyst of innovative development of Russia;
- Services and infrastructure for the gas industry;
- Energy efficient technologies in the gas industry.

Exhibition Sections:

"InGAS Stream - 2017 - Innovations in the Gas Industry".
5th International Specialized Exhibition.

"Import substitution in the gas industry".
Specialized exposition.

"Gas-engine fuel".
4th International Specialized Exhibition.

"ROS-GAS-EXPO - 2017".
11th International Specialized Exhibition of Gas Industry and Technical Means for Gas Facilities.


Additional information:
