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X St.Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF) - 2021

Attention! The event is over.

St.Petersburg International Gas Forum

Date: 05.10.2021 - 08.10.2021 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: "EF-International", LLC

Topic: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry



St.Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2021

"Gas Forum" is the leading venue to discuss topical issues of the industry. During the Forum industry leaders make their decisions that provide direct impact on formation of the global gas market.

Among Forum participants - top managers of large world leaders on the oil and gas market, representatives of the innovation centers and design institutes, industry experts, academicians, heads of specialised universities and research institutions.

X St.Petersburg International Gas Forum (SPIGF) dates back from 2011. The principal objective of the Forum is to provide a platform for substantive dialogue between leaders of gas industry. The Forum is by rights a unique gas industry event in Russia: besides an extensive exhibition program, every year the Forum provides a convention program that ensures substantive discussion of the most acute and pressing issues.


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