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XIII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum - 2020

Attention! The event is over.

International Forum

Date: 18.11.2020 - 20.11.2020 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: "EF-International", LLC

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety



"XIII St. Petersburg International Innovation Forum" is the largest platform in the Northern Capital for promoting scientific and industrial potential. The projects and initiatives presented at the Forum serve to strengthen the image of Saint Petersburg as the leading intellectual center of Russia and the world.

In 2020, within the framework of congress events and the Forum's business contacts exchange, special attention will be paid to such actual topics as the role of industry in healthcare, technological breakthrough in the conditions of restrictions, digitalization of economy, telemedicine, crisis readiness of enterprises, human capital.

At the exhibition site of the forum, technological developments will be presented by enterprises from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Saratov, Perm, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. The collective stand of the Leningrad region will unite 10 industrial enterprises of the region. The collective organizers of expositions of the Komi Republic, Krasnodar Krai, Pskov Region and other regions have confirmed their participation.

The main tracks of "SPIIF" in 2020 will be:

  • Innovative solutions in the medical industry, adapting to new conditions, working with a team in a crisis
  • The "SPIIF" plenary session will be dedicated to the theme "Tandem of industry and healthcare 2020. Conclusions and forecasts"

The Forum is included in the Consolidated plan of participation of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in exhibition and congress events held in the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad in 2020.

Forum topics:

  • Innovative and technological developments of enterprises to potential partners
  • Russia's achievement of the Sustainable development goals of United Nations
  • Modern digital technologies in various spheres of life and production of enterprises of Saint Petersburg
  • Telemedicine in the COVID-19 epidemic and existing legislative restrictions
  • The growing role of intellectual property in the development of innovation
  • Measures to support innovation and industrial enterprises
  • Human capital as a significant driving force of the innovation economy

Additional information:
