Organizers: "SOFIT-EXPO" exhibition centre
- Palace of Sports.
- Chernyshevskogo st., 63.
Exhibition working timetable:
Participants visit - 01 Nov, 10.00-19.00
Exhibition official opening - 02 Nov, 11.00
Working hours - 02 Nov: 11.00-18.00, 03-04 Nov: 10.00-18.00
Participants departure - 05 Nov, 9.00-14.00
Exhibition sections:
- Industry tools and equipment.
- Metal-working tools and equipment.
- Diamond, abrasive, carbide tools.
- Various materials carving tools and equipment.
- Timber industry and wood-working tools and equipment.
- Construction tools.
- Painting tools.
- Glass-working tools and engineering equipment.
- Stone-working tools and equipment.
- Ceramic tile-working tools and equipment.
- Sanitary work tools.
- Bench and erection tools.
- Domestic tools.
- Hydraulic and pneumatic tools.
- Manual electric tools.
- Auto-service tools and equipment.
- Precision tools.
- Laser tools.
- Microinstruments.
- Special tools and equipment.
- Fastening materials, tools and technologies.
- Inspecting and testing devices and equipment.
- Rigging and facilities.
- Tool producing and repairing technologies, materials and equipment.
- Tools standardization and sertification.
- Tool storing equipment.
- Generator and compressor equipment.
- Uniform and personal protection equipment.