Сибирская строительная неделя - 2025

Interfood Krasnodar - 2016

Attention! The event is over.

5th Exhibition of Food Products and Beverages

Date: 26.04.2016 - 28.04.2016 

City: Krasnodar - information about city

Holder: "KrasnodarEXPO"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Exhibition complex "Expograd Yug"

Exhibition of food, beverages and equipment for food industry "InterFood Krasnodar" will be held in Krasnodar in April to coincide with the other three specialized exhibitions: "Vinorus. Vinotech" (wine and wine-making equipment), "Kubanprodexpo" (products of local producers) and "Horex Krasnodar" (equipment and technologies for horeca segment).

The combination of exhibitions on related topics to strengthen inter-industry linkages, gives a complete picture of the development of the Russian food sector in the South of the Russian region.

For professionals of the industry's market food exhibition "InterFood Krasnodar" is a platform for professional communication, which brings together leading manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of food products.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Confectionery and baked goods
  • Groceries
  • Frozen and processed foods
  • Meat products
  • Canned food
  • Dairy produce
  • Beverages
  • Fish products

Additional information:
