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Offshore Marintec Russia - 2014

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International Conference and Exhibition on Shipbuilding and Infrastructure Development of the Continental Shelf

Date: 07.10.2014 - 10.10.2014 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: RESTEC

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation



"Offshore Marintec Russia" is a new exhibition project for Russian market dedicated to the development of continental shelf infrastructure.

"Offshore Marintec Russia" will demonstrate the potential of Russian and global shipbuilding industry, present advanced experience in building of sea transport as an important segment of the development of shelf infrastructure. The event exhibitors will show innovational developments in the sphere of designing different ships, equipment and materials for construction of sea-based platforms and technological complexes for scouting and oil and gas extraction on the shelf.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Equipment and technologies for subsea oil and gas wells building and operation
  • Subsea works and pipelines
  • Chemicals, additives and materials
  • Engineering design, building and operation of ships and offshore structures
  • Single purpose vessels, ice breakers, support ships for shelf operations
  • Offshore structures, floating drilling units and technological complexes for oil and gas production, exploration and evaluation of shelf and ocean resources, including ice conditions
  • Aircrafts for service of offshore structures, monitoring and elimination of accidents and hydrocarbon spillages
  • Navigation
  • Communications infrastructure
  • Industrial safety and labour protection
  • Environmental protection
  • Information technologies

Additional information:
