Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Equipment and technologies:
- devices and products for functional diagnostics
- devices and ultrasonic diagnostic apparatuses
- devices, apparatuses adn accessories for X-ray researches
- endoscopic equipment
- devices, apparatuses for laboratory researches
- apparatuses, systems, units for physiotherapy
- devices for surgery and temporary substitution of organ functions
- anesthesia and respiratory apparatuses
- ophthalmological devices and apparatuses
- dental equipment, materials, instruments
- medical instruments
- medical equipment
- medical products, pharmaceuticals
- mobile medical complexes
- furniture for medical institutions
- communication facilities and information technologies
- clothing for medical personnel
- technologies for medical institutions building
- products and equipment for desinfection, desinsection, deratization and sterilization
- medical scientific and technical literature
- Pharmacy:
- pharmaceuticals
- equipment, raw materials for pharmaceuticals production
- BBAs, minerals and vitamins
- alimentotherapy
- distributors of pharmaceuticals
- equipment for drug stores
- pharmaceutical institutions
Health of Mother and Baby:
- Neonatology equipment
- Furniture for gynecological rooms, maternity hospitals, examination rooms
- Medicines, vitamins and minerals
- Contraceptives
- Diagnostic equipment
- Breast and bottle feeding accessories
- Baby safety accessories
- Pre-delivery and post-delivery bandages, bras, compression hosiery
- Incubators, couveuse for the newborns
- Cosmetics for the newborns and expectant mothers
- Baby and clinical nutrition
- Health resort treatment of mothers and newborns
- Personal care products
- Baby care products
- Medical centers, private clinics, maternity hospitals
- Publishers of children's literature, mass media for parents and children