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Press Release

Astana Mining & Metallurgy (ÀÌÌ) - 2012

Opening the Mining & Metallurgy Days and the Third International "Astana Mining & Metallurgy" (AMM 2012) Congress, First Deputy Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov of Kazakhstan noted: "Until quite recently, the industry was focused mainly on exporting raw materials and primary metals, whereas today, with new metallurgical processing facilities being established phase by phase, high added value products are being manufactured providing for both the growth of high-tech production scopes and expansion of high-tech products exports to foreign markets, and meeting the needs of the domestic market. The benchmark indicators are an increased gross added value in 2015 by 107 %, and a twofold increase in the industry exports. Proceeding from the foregoing, the mining and metallurgy industry development has been of one of the priorities of the State Forced Innovative and Industrial Development Programme. And its main objectives are the efficient use of the existing mineral raw materials potential, introduction of innovative technologies into production, and transfer of today's cutting-edge technologies."

"We are now on the verge of adopting a new geological prospecting and exploration concept. It will be based on state-of-the-art technologies. I think that the programmes that the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies has been envisaging now in conjunction with the best practices and experience of geological prospecting and exploration with regard to mineral raw materials will be the basis for this concept," said Aset Isekeshev, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, speaking at the Mining & Metallurgy Days.

"We have to be prepared for any positions in the global markets. Therefore, we attach great importance to power saving. Energy intensity will be reduced at almost all major mining and metallurgical enterprises at least by 30 %, which is a significant decrease in costs and enhancement of the environmental performance," concluded A. Isekeshev.

All foreign guests highly praised the importance of holding such congresses.

In her interview about the Mining & Metallurgy Days, Corina Hebestreit, Director of Euromines (European Federation of Mining Industries), said: "The AMM Congress undoubtedly enhances general recognition of Kazakhstan's mining and metallurgy sector and promotes its ever closer cooperation with international professional communities and businesses." Ms. Hebestreit presented a brief overview of the current situation of supply and demand in the European mining industries. According to her forecasts, the crisis has already been over and the mining and metallurgy sector will see an increased demand for its products and services in the near future.

The Third International "Astana Mining & Metallurgy" (AMM 2012) Congress was attended by about 1,154 delegates from 24 countries. The ÀÌÌ Forum covered a full range of production processes, from geologic exploration, ore production, concentration and processing to manufacture of finished products. Speeches were delivered by 23 speakers from Kazakhstan, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, China, Russia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Delegations from industry-specific ministries of Belarus, China, Turkey, and Ukraine arrived in Astana to take part in the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days.

87 direct and indirect exhibitors from 6 countries: Germany, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom, took part in the two-day AMM 2012 Exhibition. The total exhibition area made up 787 sq. m. According to preliminary data, the exhibition was attended by over 2000 professional visitors, all of them being mining and metallurgy industry specialists.

The Third Congress of Mining & Metallurgy Industry Workers was attended by CEOs of mining and metallurgical companies, trade unions of mining, metallurgy, and coal industry workers, government agencies, and development institutions. Strengthening and improvement of social partnership at mining and metallurgical enterprises as well as increasing the industry multiplying factor up to 1.8 became the main topics of the Congress.

The Innovations for Mining & Metallurgy Roundtable today brought together representatives of state, business and science. In the course of a constructive dialogue, the participants discussed a number of critical issues, such as government support tools, partnership with business, and using private investments to develop innovative activities, and analysed innovative solutions offered today by science to upgrade the mining and metallurgy sector.

The Innovations for Mining & Metallurgy Roundtable resulted in signing two memos of cooperation between ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC and the National Centre for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan on specific projects: Boron in Steel, Cast Iron and Ferroalloys Metallurgy and Iron Recycling Technology in Steelmaking.

The HR for Mining & Metallurgy Roundtable was held in the format of an extended session of the Sector HR Council for Mining & Metallurgy set up at the previous AMM Congress.

The outcomes of the discussions will be reflected in a resolution featuring recommendations for a single approach and regular agreement of approaches to the structure of the National Qualifications System and methods to develop professional standards worked out by the Sector HR Council for Mining & Metallurgy and will be submitted to Kazakhstan's various ministries.

The principal organiser of the Kazakhstan Mining & Metallurgy Days is the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Third Congress of Mining & Metallurgy Industry Workers is organised by the National Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises (AGMP) in partnership with the Trade Union of Mining and Metallurgy Industry Workers. The ÀÌÌ 2012 Congress is organised by Iteca Kazakhstan Exhibition Company jointly with its international partner, ITE Group Plc (UK). Official support is provided by: Astana City Administration, Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Fund, Tau-Ken Samruk JSC, and National Centre for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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