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Press Release

Astana Mining & Metallurgy (АММ) - 2013

The Fourth International Congress "Astana Mining & Metallurgy (АММ) - 2013", which was held in Astana on June 12-13, is a dramatic and offbeat event, wherein the representatives of leading mining and metallurgical companies from our country, from CIS and non-CIS countries have taken part. The forum allowed to all the participants to compare their notes and discuss the prospects for the mining and metallurgical industry development in Kazakhstan.

The Congress, in accordance with customary tradition, has opened the Kazakhstan Mining and Metallurgy Days. The principal organizer of the Kazakhstan Mining and Metallurgy Days is the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The "AMM" Congress is organized by Iteca Kazakhstan Exhibition Company jointly with its international partner, ITE Group Plc (Great Britain).

The multiethnic space has become the ground for dialogue, focused around "The MMS technological growth prospects against the background of an unstable global economy" topic. The arrival of 1200 delegates from 20 countries worldwide and 176 companies is an evidence of the fact that the professionals' dialogue proceeds in a right course, allowing to more productively deal with the industry problems. 33 companies from 6 countries: Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Britain, Norway, Turkey and France have participated in the АММ 2013 exhibition. That kind of events, where the record number of audience falls to each square meter, is an excellent opportunity to get the precise information from the first hands.

As anticipated, the "АММ - 2013" was best remembered not only for the stably high numerical and quality indicators of the exhibition and conference participants, but for the public statements and events.

Asset Issekeshev - the Deputy Prime-Minister, the Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the RK in his report at the congress has recalled about the Kazakhstani potential, which is drawing the interest of both the investors and consumers throughout the entire world:

"The mining and metallurgical sector is one of the key industries for Kazakhstan. It accounts for more than 9 % of GDP, about 18 % in aggregate industrial output and almost a quarter in the export. In whole the overall production of metallurgic production for 2012 in current prices has composed almost 13 (12.9) bln. USD, which includes: in the iron and steel industry- 4.7 bln. USD, in the non-ferrous metallurgy- 8.2 bln. USD. In the manufacture of ready-made metal products - 850 bln. USD. As you can see, the state successively executes the shaped plans and undertaken commitments", - has noted Asset Issekeshev.

"We have started production of base metals, increased the volume of internal processing of metals. The primary aluminum production in Pavlodar was increased twofold, the release of titanium ingots is commenced at the Ust Kamenogorsk titan-magnesium plant, the production of cathode copper under the Kazzink's New metallurgy project has increased as well as increased the Altyntau Kokshetau's gold output, production of copper concentrate by the Aktobe copper company," - has continued Mr. Issekeshev.

The "АММ - 2013" Congress actually has become the tribune, from which the position of the state upon the basic issues of the industry development was sounded: the presentation of the Republic's MMS Concept development till 2030 was taken place.

Within the frameworks of the planned Strategy, in the first instance, the work on the perfection of the regulatory legal framework, improvement of the public regulation of industry will be completed. Kazakhstan will shift to international standards, the foreign countries experience is studied at the present time. It is planned to make amendments in to the Law on subsoil use, in the context of simplification of procedures in the given area and rise of the MMS investment attractiveness.

It got about at the congress that the state will allocate in this year 8 bln. KZT from the budget for geological exploration. "However this amount will be insufficient", - has admitted the Chairman of the Committee of geology and subsoil use of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies Bazarbai Nurabayev. According to his words, "it is planned to scale up this amount until 2019, about 60 bln. KZT should be invested into prospecting and exploration". Besides, in order to increase the attractiveness of the industry the geologic information availability for a price is cancelled, its disclosure as well as the disclosure of data about the resource base development is taken place.

The key condition for the successful development of the industry and implementation of plans is a provision of skilled local personnel. This issue will be paid the great attention. So, it was declared at the АММ 2013 about the creation in the near future of the Kazakhstani-American school on the mining experts preparation jointly with the major companies as part of development a dual education for the trades and managers preparation.

The "AMM" Congress and exhibition are long beforehand perceived by the specialists as the key factors of bulk information, which exists around the Kazakhstan mining and metallurgy complex.

The "АММ" is not the only event on the mining and metallurgical theme in the region, which was organized by ITE and Iteca. The largest in Kazakhstan and Central Asia countries exhibition- the Mining World Central Asia has been holding in Almaty for almost 20 years. This event annually represents about 400 companies form the several dozens of countries worldwide.


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