Venue: Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre"
Exhibition Sections:
Transport navigation and information systems:
- Traffic control and monitoring systems
- Departamental systems
- Regional systems
- Commercial traffic control systems
- Passenger traffic control systems
- Monitoring and management systems for high-value and dangerous goods transportation
- Tachograph control systems
- Railway traffic control systems
- Marine and river navigation systems
- Intellectual transport systems
- Traffic management systems
- Traffic safety systems
- Emergency management
- Emergency notification and response
- Electronic fee collection
- Transport telematic services
High-precision satellite navigation:
- Technology and methods for improvement in navigation accuracy
- High-precision navigation for various industry sectors
- Surveying and mapping
- Land management and inventory
- Construction support
- Deformation monitoring of structures
- Design of electric power lines, oil/gas pipelines using geoinformation systems and technology
- Applied scientific research, geological survey and exploration
Insurance telematics:
- Systems for insurance telematics services
- Vehicle terminals
Indoor positioning and navigation:
- Personnel movement monitoring and security systems
- Systems for shopping centres and public buildings and facilities
- Mobile applications for visitors (indoor navigation, object search)
- Systems of geo targeted advertising and information services for visitors
- Systems of visitor behavior analysis
- Object movement tracking
- 3D modeling of indoor environments
In-vehicle navigation and information systems:
- Advanced vehicle safety systems
- Traffic sign recognition
- Pedestrian recognition
- C2C, Connected Cars, V2V, V2P (Vehicle-to-people), V2H (Vehicle-to-home), V2I (Vehicle-to-Internet), V2I (Vehicle2Infrastructure)
- Navigation systems
- In-vehicle infotainment
- Systems of integration with personal mobile devices
- Internet access systems
- Navigation information services
- Traffic information services
- Traveller assistance
- LBA- Location Based Advertising
- Аftermarket fitment
- Navigators
- Dashboard cameras
- OBD - On-Board Diagnostic
- Security and antitheft systems
Personal navigation and information systems, services and devices:
- Navigation and information applications for mobile devices
- Positioning and navigation
- Information about public transport
- Taxi services
- Car sharing
- Audio guides
- Personal safety systems
- Tourist navigation equipment
- Health monitoring mobile devices
- Personal trackers
- Other
Professional navigation equipment, modules and components:
- Telematic AVL terminals for various types of transportation
- ERA-GLONASS telematic equipment
- Sensors and other related equipment
- OEM modules
- Radioelectronic components and electronic component units
- Test instrumentation for satellite navigation equipment