OGE - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Specialized Exhibition "OGE/Machines and Technologies for Oil Outflows and Oil Products Supression, Fire Fighting Means"

Date: 13.10.2009 - 16.10.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topics: Municipal Management, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Technologies and prevention means and fires supression at the oil-and-gas complex objects
  • Survival equipment, protection means in the industrial safety sphere
  • Integrated systems of fires detection, gas contamination control and fire fighting
  • Equipment for containers and railway tanks cleaning, oil sludges refining, territories reclamation
  • Overalls and individual protection means, special equipment for firemen and resque workers
  • Ecological monitoring, environment protection, estimation of natural and technogenic risks
  • Technologies and means of neutralizing, refining, recycling and regeneration of collected oil and oil products, exhausted sorbents
  • Means of localization, collection and supression of oil and oil products outflows; complex technologies of oil outflows supression
  • Information and geoinformation technologies in emergencies
  • Normative and guidance documents in the field of measures organization for prevention and supression of oil and oil products outflows
  • Normative and guidance documents in the field of prevention and supression of fires oil and oil products outflows
  • Personnel training

Additional information:
