CleanExpo Урал -2025

OIL & GAS - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

13th Uzbek International Exhibition "Oil and Gas"

Date: 12.05.2009 - 14.05.2009 

City: Tashkent - information about city

Holder: Iteca Exhibitions

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: OJSC NEC "Uzexpocenter"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Geology, geophysics, earthquake equipment and services
  • Oil and gas production (technologies and equipment)
  • Offshore production (technologies and equipment)
  • Oil and gas wells: building and operation
  • Transporting and storage of oil, oil and gas products
  • Oil and gas refining; petrochemistry; oil refining products
  • Building of oil and gas industry objects
  • Pipes and pipelines
  • Engineering
  • Tools
  • Control instrumentation
  • Operational safety and fire prevention
  • Environmental safety
  • Software and computer systems
  • Electrotechnical and power engineering equipment
  • Communication and telecommunication
  • Advertising activity, marketing

Additional information:
