Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Design, scientific and research developments, new technologies for fuel and energy complex, chemical and oil refining industry. Oil and gas field geology and geophysics
- Engineering and equipment for oil and gas producing complex. Oil platforms
- Transportation and storage of oil, gas, related products. Pipelines, water, railway, motor transport for transportation of raw oil and refining products
- Construction of facilities of oil and gas, chemical and oil refining industries. Heavy engineering and mechanisms, equipment and tools
- Control instrumentation and equipment, systems of oil and gas production and refining automation
- Protection of pipelines and equipment from corrosion
- Energy saving technologies
- Equipment for filling stations
- Finished products of oil and gas refining and chemical industries
- Fire safety systems, overalls for oil and gas complex and chemical industry
- Ecology, waste recycling:
- scientific developments, technologies, equipment for environmental safety, ecological monitoring of oil and gas and oil refining production
- processing, recycling, neutralization and storage of petrochemical production wastes