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Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Oil and Gas. Chemistry. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2025  - Participation

15th Interregional Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry

Date: 15.10.2013 - 18.10.2013 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Perm Fair"

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Promotion of the advanced technology and equipment for the oil and chemical enterprises in the Ural and Volga regions
  2. Expansion and strengthening of the inter-regional and international business cooperation
  3. Promotion of scientific and technical potential of the industry enterprises, research and development programs

Exhibition Sections:

  • Advanced technology, equipment and materials for the oil-refining and petrochemical industries
  • Equipment for the oil and gas field development
  • Equipment for collection, transportation and storage of oil. oil products and gas
  • Automated process and production control systems
  • Piping and shutoff valves
  • Control and measuring devices and equipment
  • Analytical and laboratory equipment and materials
  • Pumps, compressors, drives and motors
  • Design and construction of the oil, petrochemical and, gas facilities
  • Petrochemical and chemical product
  • Technology and equipment for the environmental, industrial, fire and security of enterprises, labor protection

Additional information:
