Dreams by CPM - 2025

OilTech Atyrau - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

9th Atyrau Regional Oil and Gas Technological Conference

Date: 14.04.2015 - 15.04.2015 

City: Atyrau - information about city

Holder: ITECA

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Hotel Renaissance Atyrau

"OilTech Atyrau" - is one of the key annual events of West-Kazakhstan region uniting about 150 professionals from different countries of the world. The program of the conference always includes the most up-to-date topics and reflects main trends of industry development. Speakers of the sessions are managers in practice, representatives of governmental structures that create real discussion at high professional level.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Oil and gas production and processing
  • Oil and gas equipment
  • Oil and gas transportation
  • Engineering and consulting
  • Geophysical services
  • Environmental protection
  • Oil-gas fields maintenance
  • Environmental security
  • Personal and industrial protection equipment

Additional information:
