IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

OpenBio - 2021

Attention! The event is over.

Complex of Events Dedicated to the Commercialization of Ideas and Business Development in the Field of Life Sciences

Date: 05.10.2021 - 08.10.2021 

City: Online - information about city

Holder: ANO "Innovation Center Koltsovo"

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Information Technologies and Communications, Society


Every year, The "OpenBio" Platform of open communications attracts more than 500 experts, representatives of business, science, government and innovation support infrastructure. Industrial enterprises, technoparks, engineering centers, business incubators, universities, infrastructure organizations for biotechnological business took part in the business program of the forum in 2017.

This is the largest event in the Siberian Federal district for manufacturers and suppliers of laboratory equipment, instruments and tools, providing an opportunity to meet directly with representatives of the center of Virology "Vector", institutes of SB RAS, as well as dozens of local manufacturers of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and veterinary products.

The 6th Annual complex of events in the field of biopharmaceutics and biotechnology "OpenBio" includes an industry exhibition.

The exhibition is attended by organizations and enterprises working in the field of biotechnology, biopharmaceutics, medicine, functional nutrition, agriculture and veterinary medicine.

Among the visitors of the exhibition are specialists in the field of biotechnology, virology, genetics, pharmaceuticals, health care, development and production of medical laboratory and diagnostic equipment, food production, ecology, medical electronics, as well as representatives of government, educational institutions, research centers.


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