Venue: IEC "Crocus Expo"
Exhibition Sections:
- Ecological heater systems, boilers and burners
- Instruments and systems of heat consumption, electrical energy, water and gas control, regulation, diagnostics and accountancy
- Heat and energy saving materials and technologies; designing and assembling of district heating systems; heat exchangers
- Equipment for heat, water and gas supply and components
- Mini heat and gas power stations
- Various types of boilers and water and air heater systems of industrial and household purpose
- Household and industrial heat and sound insulation systems and materials; ventilation, conditioning, air engineering
- Equipment and technologies for waste collection, keeping, utilization и deactivation
- Ecological audit, control and monitoring, nature protection activities
- Resource-saving and eco-friendly technologies
- Air control devices
- Water treatment:
- technologies
- analytical and laboratory equipment
- water treatment systems
- Prospecting and extraction of ground waters; efficient use and protection of water resources
- Pumps and pumping equipment, automation, control and regulator systems
- Pipe line fittings and compressor engineering, canalization systems
- Plumbing equipment and sanitary ware, materials and services; general mechanical rubber goods, compactors
- Equipment for bath rooms, pools, saunas, baths, sunrooms; fountains, water parks, aquariums