Venue: Palace of Youth's and Children's Creativity
Exhibition-Fair "Pokrovskaya" in Voronezh is a secular event aimed at revival and development of Russian traditions and culture, first and foremost, Orthodox.

Exhibition Sections:
- Icons: kiot, cases for icons, portraits, paintings, canvas, icon-board, postcards, icons restoration
- Orthodox literature: theological, church-historical, ascetic, hagiographical, missionary, educational, children's, literature, Orthodox calendars with readings
- Products of monastery and farms: organic and quality products of farms of the monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church
- The art of jewelry: goods of Orthodox silver consecrated in the Church: crosses, chains, icons, Orthodox rings and other jewelry Russian jewelry shops
- Decorative arts: kitchen utensils made of wood, metal, glass and clay, lace, textiles, jewelry, embroidery, toys