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Riverport Expo - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

International Forum

Date: 08.11.2018 - 10.11.2018 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: "Agency for Strategic Programs", LLC

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Municipal Management, Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre"

"Riverport Expo - 2018" is a unique platform for the presentation of the investment and economic potential of Russia aimed at the development of the inland waterway system, the creation of a single economic space, the formation and development of the port network and the acceleration of the introduction of modern technologies in the activities of river ports of Russia.

The International Forum "Riverport Expo - 2018" will be attended by the heads and top managers of leading industry corporations, unions of producers and associations, investment funds and leading banks of the country, entrepreneurs and businessmen from Russia, the EAEU and foreign countries, owning modern technologies and business solutions for the development of river ports and waterways of Russia.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Port and ship equipment
  • Design organizations and engineering technologies
  • River port
  • Logistics and warehouses
  • Shipbuilding and ship repair
  • Safety of navigation on waterways
  • Port construction and hydraulic engineering
  • Yachts and boats
  • Tourism
  • Fuel, lubricants, tribotechnologies
  • Insurance
  • Leasing and consulting
  • Banks and investment funds (Venture funds)
  • Education
  • Technologies and equipment for water treatment


  • Logistics company
  • Vessel and yacht manufacturers
  • Foreign and Russian companies with modern technologies of river ports
  • The company's technical equipment ports


  • Entrepreneurs and businessmen
  • River port managers
  • Investors
  • Industry expert
  • Representative of authority

Main forum topics:
- "Priorities of development of inland waterways and water transport of the Russian Federation. Point of growth"
- "Increase of investment attractiveness of projects on the river and measures of their financial support"
- "Financial schemes and instruments for projects on the river. Public-private partnership in infrastructure projects of river ports - myths and realities of consolidation with the state?"
- "Prospects of integration of Russian inland waterways into foreign logistics"
- "River tourism: experience and growth points. Prospects for the development of infrastructure"
- "Metrological support of waterways of the Russian Federation"
- "Green energy of water"
- "Regulatory and legal support of river ports in Russia: status and prospects"
- "Development of infrastructure and transportation of inland waterways of the Russian Federation - the point of growth of the national economy. The shipbuilding of the future: speed and efficiency"
- "Standardization and rationing of infrastructure of river ports and port services"
- "The role of effective education in training personnel for the development of infrastructure of waterways and river transport in Russia"
- "Volga in the project "Great rivers of Russia". Tourist image of the Volga region".

Participation in the International Forum and Exhibition "Riverport Expo - 2018" is an opportunity for a direct dialogue with representatives of government agencies, leading Russian and foreign corporations, heads of companies, which will ensure maximum results in the promotion of modern technologies, equipment and products on the Russian market.


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