Venue: Sport Palace
Exhibition Sections:
- Building technologies of roads, bridges, tunnels, elevated roads etc.
- Materials, structures for building, reconstruction and repair of roads
- Geosynthetic materials
- Machines and equipment for road building
- excavating, drilling, mining, piling equipment
- hoisting and transporting equipment
- machines and mechanisms for building of roads and railways, locomotives and special machines
- Means of road paving condition control
- Diagnostics of road works quality
- Traffic safety
- traffic management means
- traffic lights
- guard rails
- new materials and technologies for road marking
- road monitoring
- road signs
- Lighting devices and mechanisms, lighting of roads in cities
- Geoinformation systems, projecting of roads, geodesign
- Ecology in building and maintenance of roads
- Insurance of road facilities, machines, equipment
- Roadside service (garages, refueling stations etc.)