Exhibition Sections:
- Security facilities:
- new security technologies, systems and equipment, protective materials
- services and equipment to provide information security
- motor transport security and safety systems; armored vehicles
- stationary batteries for safety systems
- perimeter protection; detection, penetrations; surveillance and monitoring devices
- Closed-Circuit Television System and surveillance system
- installation services and service maintenance of security systems
- designing of technical security systems of objects and their complex equipping
- installation services and service maintenance of security systems
- designing of technical security systems of objects and their complex equipping
- safes and special boxes
- accoutrements and outfit; protective clothing and footwear
- personal safety means and outfit
- antiterrorist and inspection equipment
- forensic equipment
- personal safety means and outfit
- devices for medical and biological testing
- ecological safety systems
- Systems and facilities for fire safety. Rescue vehicle:
- machinery, technologies, equipment to prevent accidents, catastrophes and elimination of their consequences
- systems and means for emergency control and prevention
- search-and-rescue equipment
- design, installation and maintenance of fire fighting systems
- fire extinguishing agents, flame- and explosion proof equipment
- fire protection, special materials, equipment and machinery
- fire-resistant materials and constructions
- operational communication systems
- outfit and auxiliary equipment
- Bank equipment:
- equipment and office appliances for offices
- cash machines, equipment for cash operating units
- non-bank financial institutions
- brokerage and investment companies
- currency validators
- counters and sorters of banknotes and capital issues
- Systems and products of information security and special technical devices:
- special technical devices
- automatic gates, barriers
- information security systems