CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Education. Science. Business - 2012

Attention! The event is over.

3rd Specialized Exhibition-Forum

Date: 29.11.2012 - 01.12.2012 

City: Samara - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Company "Expo-Volga" Ltd.

Topic: Society


Venue: Exhibition Centre "Expo-Volga"

The exhibition forum "Education. Science. Business" is aimed to demonstrate achievements in the system of higher education and science, assist school leavers in choice of the educational institution and their future occupation, as well as inform everyone interested in receiving education.

"Education. Science. Business" is a multipurpose project popular with various groups of audience and successfully demonstrating an inextricable connection between education, science and business. The exhibition is aimed to assist school leavers in choice of the educational institution and their future occupation; inform everyone interested in receiving education and in professional improvement.

Visitors of the exhibition:

  • School leavers, students, adults
    • direct consumers of the educational services
  • Educational community
    • this group includes employees of all level educational institutions interested in acquainting themselves with new products of the educational technology market and in taking part in business events
  • Business community
    • these are representatives of enterprises - potential employers for graduates of the higher and secondary educational institutions, consumers of the innovative products of educational institutions, consumers of educational services

Diverse audience of the exhibition provides exhibitors with a unique opportunity to cope with several tasks at once and get the maximum possible feedback from participation in the exhibition.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Higher and second higher education
  • Secondary vocational education
  • Additional vocational education
  • Business education
  • Foreign language courses
  • Educational process support
  • Training literature

Additional information:
