Venue: Volgograd Sports Pàlace (Universal Sports and Show Complex of Volgograd Trade Unions)
Exhibition Sections:
- Heat energy economy:
- boiler equipment, burners
- energy resources accounting and control devices
- production control of heating economy objects
- heat exchanging equipment
- autonomous systems of heat and energy supply
- transmission and distribution means
- fire prevention and emergency alarm systems
- heating pumps
- network water treatment plants
- Water supply and sewerage:
- equipment and systems for water treatment, waste water
- pipeline systems (pipes and armature)
- energy saving in water supply and sewerage economy
- Housing economy:
- construction materials for external and internal finishing of housing stock
- internal engineering networks and communications
- technologies and equipment for engineering systems of city and municipal economy
- new roofing materials
- lifts
- Electrotechnics:
- cable laying products
- power electronics, automation systems, transformers
- electric equipment for production and transmission of power
- insulating materials
- electrosafety; overalls and individual protection means
- high and low voltage equipment and gears
- household electrical appliances
- Environmental safety:
- municipal and regional programs
- equipment and systems of water treatment, air and soil cleaning
- Accomplishment:
- external accomplishment
- small architectural forms, pavement slabs
- greenery planting, planting material, flower decoration
- cleaning and road machinery (machines, mechanizms, containers for litter removal, machins for bishifite spraying)
- systems of external lighting, lighting equipment
- waste processing plants
- Municipal programs of energy saving:
- energy saving programs of city district and realization results
- energy saving programs of municipal districts and realization results