CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Fair Spas - 2018

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Fair

Date: 18.08.2018 - 21.08.2018 

City: Voronezh - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Center VETA

Topics: Agriculture, Food Industry, Trade Fairs


Venue: Annunciation cathedral

Exhibition Sections:

  • Arts and crafts: tableware made of wood, metal, glass and clay, lace, textiles, jewelry, embroidery, toys
  • Orthodox literature
  • Theological, Church-historical, ascetic, life-giving, missionary, pedagogical, children's, fiction, Orthodox calendars with readings
  • Production of monasteries and farms
  • Environmentally friendly and high-quality goods of peasant farms of the monastic farmsteads of the Russian Orthodox Church

Additional information:
