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SportWay Expo Almaty - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

1st National Specialized Exhibition

Date: 23.04.2015 - 25.04.2015 

City: Almaty - information about city

Holder: BigFish Pro

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: Sports and Exhibition Complex n.a. B.Sholak

The exhibition will clearly see the advantages of each sport, its features and possibilities for the future of the athlete. Sports federations and clubs will find on the exhibition "SportWay Expo Almaty - 2015" an effective platform for the presentation of the sport.
Exhibition area - 2000 sq m is Expected to more than 10,000 attendees and 60 exhibitors and participants.

The exhibition is divided into 3 sectors:
- Sector A - sports organization.
- Sector B - sports facilities.
- Sector C - industry of sports.

Sector A is closer to the sport!

This part of the exhibition created to solve two main tasks is to help parents, grandparents in which sport to give their children as well as promotion of various sports and clubs among the Kazakhs, as a means of increasing the number of fans.

What you need to participate in the exhibition?

  • Key and effective event in the sports industry for the presentation of sports/club for Kazakhstan
  • A unique opportunity to show, through their Champions the achievements of the Federation/club in the country and in the world
  • To tell about upcoming events to attract viewers
  • Sale/distribution of Souvenirs among the guests of the exhibition
  • Discussion with experts of the market of actual problems and prospects of the sports federations and clubs
  • The participation of representatives of the Federation and clubs in specialized seminars
  • The acquisition of important contacts with service companies "face to face"

Opportunities for exhibitors:

  • Master class Champions from distinguished figures
  • An autograph session with the Champions
  • Press conference
  • Photo shoot with Champions and trophies
  • The broadcast image and information films/videos
  • Competitions among the guests for the prizes of the Federation/club
  • Installation the photo stands
  • Sale/distribution of Souvenirs
  • Selling tickets for upcoming sporting events
  • Distribution of posters and information leaflets

Sector B - Opening opportunities!

In this sector, the stands of sports complexes from different areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main opportunity for the participants to present complex representatives of sports organizations, clubs and other organizations interested in using them. To show the possibilities of the complex for them in sports and mass events that will contribute to the effective use of sports facilities and the level of self-sufficiency.

What you need to participate in the exhibition?

  • Key and effective event in the sports industry for the presentation of sports complex federations and sports clubs
  • The involvement of the sports section, the tenants on the subject
  • The exchange of experience among other participants of the exhibition
  • Participation in the workshop on effective management of the sports complex from international specialist

Opportunities for participants:

  • Installation information stand indicating the advantages of the complex
  • The distribution of an information booklet with a detailed presentation of the complex logistics of additional facilities and services of the complex, as well as information about the location of the nearest amenities of the complex: restaurants, hotels
  • The conclusion of preliminary agreements on upcoming events
  • Installing the photo stand with a demonstration of the activities conducted within the walls of the sports complex

Sector C - Exceeding expectations!

In this zone presents related sports industry goods and services such as: equipment, equipment, equipment, clothing, sports nutrition, gift and premium products, photo-video production and more.

What you need to participate in the exhibition?

  • Key and effective event in the sports industry for the presentation of the proposed goods and services
  • The exchange of experience among the participants of the exhibition
  • The analysis of market needs
  • Establishing long-term relationships with sports organizations

Opportunities for exhibitors:

  • Presentation of goods and services target audience
  • Contracts with representatives of sports organizations and complexes
  • Installation information stand
  • Distribution of information booklets and leaflets with detailed presentation

Additional information:
